Exercise 2: AI generated feedback to your course assessment

Step-by-Step Guide for Evaluating Exam Content with AI

Important Notes

- Use Common Sense: While using AI, apply your judgment to evaluate the outputs critically.
Data Sensitivity: Avoid sharing sensitive or personally identifiable information with the AI.
Anonymize Data: Replace names and specific identifiers with pseudonyms or generic terms to protect privacy.

Step 1: Define Your Vision (V)

- Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve with the AI's assistance.
- Example: "I want to evaluate whether the exam content aligns with the course objectives and learning outcomes."

Step 2: Gather Your Context (C)

- Collect all relevant materials and background information needed for the task.
- Example: Course syllabus, assignment guidelines, learning objectives, and the exam content.

Step 3: Leverage Your Knowledge (K)

- Use your subject matter expertise to understand the materials and provide accurate inputs.
- Example: Familiarity with educational standards, assessment best practices, and the specific course content.

Step 4: Use a Powerful AI Language Model (L)

- Choose an AI model capable of handling detailed educational tasks, such as GPT-4.
- Ensure you have access to the AI model and understand its basic functionalities.

Step 5: Craft a Detailed Prompt

- Combine your vision, context, and knowledge into a clear and specific prompt for the AI.
- Example Prompt:

Here is the comprehensive course description outlining the key components, learning objectives, educational intents and pedagogical strategies:


And here are the details of the exam content, including the exam structure, question types, and topics covered:


Please carefully analyze the alignment between the course description and the exam content, following these steps:

1. Review the course description in detail to identify and make note of the essential components, learning objectives, intended educational outcomes, and instructional approaches specified. 

2. Examine the exam content, analyzing the overall structure, the types of questions included, and the scope of topics assessed.

3. Critically compare the exam content against the course description. Evaluate the degree to which the exam reflects and reinforces the key components, aligns with the stated learning objectives, demonstrates consistency with the expressed educational intents, and supports the outlined pedagogical strategies of the course.

4. Before providing your final evaluation, think through your analysis and reasoning in a scratchpad section. Methodically break down how well each aspect of the exam content aligns with the corresponding elements specified in the course description.

5. Inside evaluation section, provide your final assessment of how well-aligned the exam content is with the course description. In your evaluation, first provide a detailed justification that explains your reasoning and cites specific examples, then conclude with an overall score or rating of the level of alignment.

Remember, the focus is on evaluating the congruence, alignment and consistency between the exam content and the course description. Be sure to consider all aspects - components, objectives, intents, and strategies - in your analysis. Provide a thoughtful, well-reasoned evaluation supported by specifics from your analysis.

Step 6: Provide the AI with Rich Context

- Paste the detailed context, including the course description and the exam content, into the AI prompt.
- Ensure that all relevant information is included to help the AI generate a targeted and accurate response.

Step 7: Review and Refine the AI Output

- Critically assess the AI's response using your knowledge and expertise.
- Make necessary adjustments and refinements to ensure the analysis is accurate and comprehensive.

(Optional) Step 8: Iterate as Needed

- If the initial output is not satisfactory, revise your prompt and provide additional context or clarification.
- Example: "Please focus more on the alignment between the learning objectives and specific exam questions."

(Optional) Step 9: Document Your Findings

- Summarize the AI-generated analysis and your own insights in a clear and organized manner.
- Example:

## Analysis of Exam Content Alignment

### Summary

The exam content aligns well with the course objectives, particularly in areas A, B, and C. However, there are some discrepancies in section D, where the questions do not fully reflect the intended learning outcomes.

### Detailed Findings

- **Objective 1:** Well-covered by questions X and Y.
- **Objective 2:** Partially covered, but missing elements related to Z.
- **Objective 3:** Needs more focus on application-based questions.

### Recommendations

- Revise section D to include questions that address the missing learning outcomes.
- Ensure all learning objectives have corresponding questions in the exam.

Step 10: Share and Discuss

- Share your analysis with colleagues or stakeholders for feedback and further refinement.
- Use the insights gained to improve future course assessments and align them more closely with learning objectives.